
Image Restoration Service


Digital photograph restoration is the practice of restoring the appearance of a digital copy of a physical photograph that has been damaged by natural, man-made, or environmental causes or simply affected by age or neglect.


Digital photograph restoration uses a variety of image editing techniques to remove visible damage and aging effects from digital copies of physical photographs. Raster graphics editors are typically used to repair the appearance of the digital images and add to the digital copy to replace torn or missing pieces of the physical photograph.


IEE provides photo restoration services, whether old or recent photos, which have dirt, tears, creases, etc. and need image processing to return to the original state, or at least close to that! You can send us your damaged photo or one that needs treatment and we will quickly give you the final quote that depends on the complexity of the treatment needed. The treated photo will be delivered in JPG, PNG, TIF, or PSD (Photoshop) format in RGB or CMYK color systems.